Contact Us

Where To Find Flourish Kirribilli


We are located at 1 Broughton Street, Kirribilli, on the Mezzanine level inside the strip of shops closest to Sydney Harbour Bridge. The entrance is via the arcade, walk in and you’ll see our giant signage! There’s a flight of stairs which will take you up to the entrance.



If you can’t use the stairs, you are welcome to use our rear entrance, which is located on Bligh Street (Next to Coco’s Chocolates). If you need to arrive this way, contact your practitioner to let you in.



If you are coming by train – exit the station on the Kirribilli side, then turn right and walk down Broughton Street until you reach number 1.



Can sometimes be tricky in Kirribilli, although there are plenty of spots for 1 hour. Just be careful to read the signs and observe the meters.

Contact Flourish Founder Louise Adams


Ph: (02) 9000 1212

Fax: (02) 8088 3869

Contact Fumi Somehara


Ph: 0430 391 951

Fax: (02) 9167 9017

Mailing Address


Flourish Kirribilli

13/1 Broughton Street

Kirribilli NSW 2061

Media Enquiries

Flourish Founder and Clinical Psychologist Louise Adams is an experienced media spokesperson on topics relevant to eating disorders, body positivity, weight stigma, critical perspectives on the “o*esity epidemic”, weight-inclusivity, why diets don’t work, and weight-inclusive health care.

Fumi Somehara is also available to speak on these issues from a dietitians’ perspective.

For all media enquiries, contact Louise directly via email or call (02) 9000 1212.